Saturday, December 17, 2016

PreK Family Portraits

Pre K students sponge painted the body and heads of their family members. Once dry, they drew details with permanent marker.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Black & White Symmetrical Designs

Fifth grade students created these black and white designs to demonstrate reflective or radial symmetry.

Henri Matisse Color Cutouts

Second grade students listened to Matisse the King of Color by Laurence Anholt and created these colorful cut outs using geometric and free-form shapes.

Saturday, May 28, 2016


5th grade students created Zentangles by following instructions on how to create and repeat basic lines and shapes. Students were encouraged to invent their own Zentangles, as well.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Cup Weavings

4th grade students cut 9 slits in these paper cups, then wove yarn in between the slits. 

Saturday, April 30, 2016

3-D Animal Masks

5th grade students created these animal masks using newspaper, cardboard, plaster gauze, paint, fur and feathers.

Wire Sculptures a la Alex Calder

Students view some of Alex Calder's wire sculptures then create their own of a person doing everyday things. Students use wire scraps to add accessories such as clothing, hair, and sports equipment. This student created a girl walking her dog and watering flowers with a watering can.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Venetian Masks

5th grade students learned how people of Venice have been wearing masks for centuries and how mask wearing erased the division between social classes. 5th grade students then created their own using paint, glitter glue, gems feathers and cardboard attachments.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Aboriginal Art from Australia

3rd grade students learned the three characteristics of Aboriginal Art; X-Ray style, symbols and dots. Students chose either the X-Ray style or symbols as the subject of their art and they all created dots in the negative space (background) of their painting.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Healthy Lifestyle Cafeteria Mural

Third grade students created this Keith Haring style " GET YOURSELF MOVING" mural.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Monochromatic Tessellations

Fifth grade students created tessellating shapes by creating a template of a tessellating shape and tracing it on their paper. They then chose one color and created tints, shades and tones of that color to  paint in their shapes to create a monochromatic painting.