Saturday, December 22, 2012

Scrapbook Still Life Collages

Forth grade students used scrapbook paper to create these still life collages.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Snake in a Tree

Fifth grade students drew a snake wrapping around a tree, outlined the drawing with permanent marker and painted the drawing with watercolor paint.

Mouse Paint

After reading Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh, first grade students mixed the primary colors to create secondary colors. Students then created the mice from the story and glued the mice to their painted paper.

Painting the Alphabet with Jasper Johns

After viewing Colored Alphabet by Jasper Johns, Kindergarten students painted the letters of the alphabet using tempera paint and used tempera cakes to paint the background.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Autumn Leaves

Third grade students used rubber leaves to create these overlapping designs.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Gyotaku Fish Prints

Third grade students learned about the Japanese art of gyotaku which means "fish rubbing". Japanese fishermen, wanting to record the size and type of fish caught, would rub ink on their fish, cover the fish with rice paper and rub their hands along the top of the fish printing it onto the rice paper. These prints below were done with rubber fish and acrylic paint. The seaweed was printed from feathers. The background was completed with watercolors.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Venetian Masks

Fifth grade students created these masks inspired by masks of Venice, Italy.

The Solar System

Forth grade students created value using oil pastels to make these planets appear three-dimensional. Students used the sun as the light source and blended white and black to create the highlight and the shadow on the planets.

Gumball Machines inspired by Wayne Thiebaud

Third grade students drew gumball machines after viewing the gumball machines Wayne Thiebaud created. Students colored in the machines with oil pastel and used watercolors in the background.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Kindergarten students listened to The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Students painted a piece of white paper green and added colorful dots to the green paper. Next time, students traced 5 circles to the back of the green paper. Students cut out the circles and arranged them onto large construction paper. Students also used construction paper scraps to create the caterpillars head. At last, students used construction paper crayons to create the feet and "fuzzies" along the caterpillar's back.

Superheroes and Villans

Fifth grade students first drew a stick figure, then added muscles to give their creation some mass. Then students added clothing to complete their superheroes and villans.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Desert Landscapes with Warm Colors

Second grade students created the silhouette of a desert landscape using black oil pastel. Students then used tempera cakes in a warm color scheme to create the sun setting sky.

The Dot

First grade students listened to The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds and created their own dot inspired art work using wine corks and plastic cups.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Glue Resist Fish with Warm or Cool Colors

Second grade students drew a fish with white glue. Once the glue was dry students chose a warm or cool color scheme for their fish. They colored in the fish's color scheme with oil pastels and chose the opposite color scheme for the background.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Monochromatic Mood

Fifth grade students chose a color to represent their personality. They then created a monochromatic painting by making tints and shades of their color.

Radial Symmetry

Forth grade students created these radial designs using a compass. Students had to create at least five shapes to repeat radially.

Piet Mondrian

First grade students created Piet Mondrian's modern work by using horizontal and vertical lines and primary colors.

Day of the Dead

First grade students listened to Felipa and the Day of the Dead by Birte Muller. Students created these skulls in honor of the holiday just like children in Latin America do.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Kindergarten students mixed red and yellow to create an orange pumpkin. Then mixed yellow and blue to make green grass and a stem. Then mixed red and blue to create a violet sky. Students were also able to create an expression for their pumpkin.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Kindergarten students listened to Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault. After the story, students painted the famous tree and used sticky foam letters to create their name climbing up the tree.

Autumnal Trees

First grade students listened to Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert and created these trees complete with all the colors of the season. The branches were created with a piece of cardboard and the leaves, by using a cotton swab.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Recycled Animals

Students listened to the story Michael Recycle by Ellie Bethel and learned how art can be made from things we commonly throw away. Using egg cartons, toilet paper and paper towel tubes, students constructed an animal. After a little paint, some wiggly eyes and felt for ears and tails, these animals really come to life.

An Animal's Environment

Fourth grade students drew animals complete with that animal's environment.

One-Point Perspective

Fifth grade students learned the formula for drawing a road and two houses in one-point perspective. Each student had to show a season, time of day and type of weather in their work.